Tourist at a Tweet Up

Last Thursday ​I went to my first ever tweet up.

Almost all my friends and family don't use Twitter so explaining that I was off to Bristol, to meet a random group of strangers, who all adore Twitter, like I do was a hard sell.​


I was late... we Heaths are always late. But how a person is expected to walk up Park Street without window shopping in all the boutique stores is beyond me! I adore The Bristol Guild - why oh why are you not open late on a Thursday evening?

I burst in, just as the raffle was being drawn, and immediately got out my camera like an over enthusiastic tourist, before the sun went down on the terrace. 

​The trouble with 'cool' venues like Goldbrick House, is it helps if you are cool. I am not cool, although my grey pixie boots helped my toes feel cool. I ended up collaring several people by saying "You like nice and smiley" and instantly struck up a conversation.


For some reason I adopted a standard line for the evening which was "I'm a nobody, but what do you do?" Talking to the people I admire and follow on Twitter made me turn into a giggly, slightly louder (worrying, as I am loud by nature, it's in the genes) nervous wreck. It felt ridiculous to say coyly "I'm Lucy from the Capture by Lucy blog", but blow me several people knew what I was bleating on about. 

Fortunately, I was there with a partner in crime, as her significant other for the evening.
We may be organising a wedding fair. We may be organising a wedding fair in a castle. We may be shouting about it really loudly, really soon.​


Over the course of the evening I talked to some great contacts, wonderful cake makers, florists, stationers and a mother of two juggling a sweet sounding business, both for me and for the wedding fair and one like minded lady, who I had to pinch myself on the way home that I had met.

​Tweets ups, The Little Wedding Helper style, are bustling, ​have great background music and everyone wants to talk to everyone.

If you are even remotely connected to the wedding industry in the South West, you need to follow Bristol Wedding Tweet Ups and come to the next tweet up on the 25th July 6-9pm at Goldbrick House. I will be the smiley, non cool one, with a camera.​
