Week in pictures and au revoir!

No need to worry I am only away for the weekend!  

We set sailed at 7am on the good ship, I mean ferry Brittany from Portsmouth! 

Honfleur for 2 nights without the boys! 

I am going to have A LOT of photos to share next week. Hopefully you will feel like you were there too. 

This was my week, in pictures. 

Naughty dinners, living photo props,  new recipes, views from the house, playing in the garden.

Week in Pictures Capture by Lucy.jpg

Craft projects, holiday haircut time, last day of Pre School Bento Babies, saving butterflies, zombies and cocktails.

Week in Photos Capture by Lucy.jpg

How was your week? How are you keeping your children entertained in the holidays?! 

The grandparents are on duty this weekend!