Alternative Wedding Favours • Wonderful Wedding Wednesday

I adore the little details at weddings. For me, it's all those little things that the bride ends up worrying will go unnoticed, that makes a great wedding. 

We have been to more weddings than I can count on both hands now and everyone has had their own personal touches, which made it memorable. 

Every one had different favour ideas. Cupcakes, feathered napkin rings, individual letters from the happy couple, chocolates and the traditional almonds. 

There are so many wonderful ideas and inspiration on the internet and these were some of my favourites. 

Wedding Favour Ideas.jpg

From top, left to right: Candy pebbles, matches, love rocks, fortune cookies, perfect pairs, sunglasses, berry baskets, beer coolers and jam jars

And for a blow the budget, super succulent idea. These. Just wow. 

But. As much as I love all these, I think there is something nicer to give. A gift for charity.  

The wonderfully brave bride I featured here, will be giving scratch cards to all their guests. Any winnings will be donated to The Wedding Wishing Well Foundation

What a fab and generous idea. And given that the Foundation are helping them organise and fund their wedding, I am sure their guests will be more than happy to donate their prizes. 

If any couple, who are getting married soon are reading this, The Wedding Wishing Well Foundation also have another neat idea. If you are lucky enough to have all the usual house ware and home accessories and have already booked your honeymoon, so aren't looking for contributions, then consider slipping one of these cards into your invitations.

Or, if like a lot of people you can't wait to hit one of the big department stores, armed with a scanner and go on a supermarket style sweep (and who could blame you - it's fab), then consider asking your guests to donate just £1 out of their present budget for you.

£1 from every guest, couple or family attending your wedding makes a huge difference and can help someone else, not so lucky with their health, have happiness just like you.

If you are not getting married but fancy doing a good deed, you can donate your £1 here

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