Homemade sunday screwballs


The hot weather comes and suddenly the top shelf in the freezer gets full of ice cream!

I had these screwball pots left over destined for recycling but thought of a healthier alternative that is easy to make with the help of a little one (get everything out before you are ready for them to help as no toddler will wait once they see the toppings!)

Start off by getting all your ingredients, I used dried cherries and cranberries for the treat at the bottom, yoghurt and strawberries for the layers, glittery sprinkles and icing pen for the topping.

All you will need is a pen, some card and scissors to draw round the top of your pot to make a stencil shape or an initial and a spoon to layer in your yoghurt. Would work well with rice pudding too if they like it cold!

Pop your treat in at the bottom, layer in the yoghurt and strawberries and then place your stencil over the top and sprinkle away!

Ta daa! Also works with the icing pen!

And if they can’t finish it in one, however unlikely, an egg box makes a perfect holder!