Blog Conference Hangover • #capturingcolour • The story behind the picture

If you have ever been to a blogging conference, there's a certain feeling when you get home that is hard to explain. It's a sort of post high, post giddiness relief, a similar sort of post wedding blues, the emotional and physical fuzziness that comes after the build up to a big event.

Last week I managed to pack 2 conferences in London in my country mouse schedule. 2 trips to the big smoke to share with you, a day at the races, hotel beds and hospitality. A beautiful brunch with Boots and a wake up call. I thought I protected my boys in the sun, but I had my eyes opened this week! 

I am in awe of the organisers of these events because even as an attendee they absolutely take over your life! You think about what you are going to pack, who can help you look after your children, what you are going to wear, who you want to meet and I spent a large part of last week preparing for the Define your Design sessions at BritMums Live. It's fair to say it took over the whole house and in my post conference hangover state the boxes full of props are still unpacked in my office!

I feel in a haze, my head is bursting with ideas, my notepad is dog eared and full of scribbles. I've met some incredibly inspiring people over the last week and the tricky bit is working out what to do next. I have so much to tell you all over the next week, the slides from the session to upload, our trips away to record, more fun from our birthday celebrations for Sammy, a few collaborations with companies and brands I admire but the week has just run away! I have drafted in some help from my IT support (aka Richard) to help me send out all the Summertime Surprise partner details, so if you signed up I promise I haven't completely forgotten about you all!

I remember the first time I went to a blogging conference. I was so excited and nervous I thought my chest was going to explode. I went through every emotion, feeling lost and lonely when I suddenly found myself in a corridor alone, feeling elated and completely drained all at the same time. But this year I tried to harness the nerves, make the most of being in a room with all the people I admire and give a big over excited squeeze to as many new faces as possible. For me a conference is about starting as many new friendships as possible, a time to be brave and taking that "what have I got to lose" feeling and making a plan to hopefully create something amazing from it. 

So that what's I am going to do when the clouds disappear from my head. Not be scared to share my pipe dreams, because you never know...

Here are some snaps from my week. Each one has it's own little story. A little memory, a shared moment a bit of history. I've travelled hundreds of miles in the last week, had special time with my sister, had a tour of the most beautiful cutting garden with one neighbour and a visit to another neighbour's stunning railway carriages. I have been surrounded by people who leave me in awe of their talent. I loved hearing everyone else's stories behind their photos linked up to the #capturingcolour gallery last week. I love that I have this photo journal of our lives at this moment in time, a snapshot of the things that inspire us, the people we adore and the places we get to visit. And that we all see something different. 

I seemed to be drawn to the outdoors last week, filling my feed with greens. This is my most favourite time of year, when you wake up and more often than not, the sun comes streaming through the curtains. The sunshine makes everyone a little kinder, more appreciative. 

It was almost impossible to choose a grid of favourites to share this week and these just captured my mood completely.

A hazy sense of calm mixed with passion and fun! Pop over to Instagram to find and follow them.

But I had to end this post with this photo from Lucy. For me this is the spirit of #capturingcolour and everything this blog means to me. A shared adventure, a continual feeling of excitement! Like everyday is like jumping off a cliff. When I look back on a week I feel like superwoman. A tired superwoman but never the less I am really proud of everything we achieve each week as a family. Not big things, but ordinary little things which mean so much. Rich sewing badges on a uniform for our new fully invested, woggle wearing Beaver, our 3 year old who now counts to 100 on every car journey, my tea merchant building a mini family empire and the mini performances behind the curtains, encouraging our less confident small boy to find his voice. All the little steps lead to the big leaps.

There's a part of me that wants one of those costumes to sit at my desk in.


Follow Lucy's fabulous feed for more of her beautiful styling and captured moments. 

Now come and join in with this week's theme MY FAVOURITE PHOTO. Re-share an old favourite, show us all your favourite places, people and things that inspire you. 

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your photos and post your FAVOURITES this week. I will share a round up next Monday :)